Website maintenance subscription

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A new or revamped website is nice, of course, but an effective website needs periodic maintenance.

For instance, new updates to WordPress, themes and plug-ins regularly give improvements in features and security.

So maintaining your website is very important, but can sometimes be tedious to do. This is where I can help you, even remotely. With updates, I make sure it doesn’t break any of the current features and design and that the website is good and up-to-date again as soon as possible.

What does a maintenance subscription cost?

With a maintenance subscription, you don’t have to keep checking whether your website is doing what it should. I will check your website several times a month and update it where necessary. Count on a price of only 15 euros per month excluding VAT. Payment is in advance per month, per quarter or per year. You are not tied to a minimum contract duration.

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    Profile Sander

    Under the name alverdae, I enable organisations to make a positive impact for both people and planet. More about alverdae