Partnership with Accessibility Cloud

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I recently became a proud partner of Accessibility Cloud. This means we can offer you a total solution for accessible websites and documents.

What is Accessibility Cloud?

Accessibility Cloud is a software solution in the field of digital accessibility. It automatically checks your website on a regular basis and indicates where it has found accessibility problems. You see this in a clear dashboard, along with an explanation and a suggested solution. This way, you can stay in control of the accessibility of one or more websites you manage.

Accessibility Cloud's dashboard

You can even receive a notification when new problems are found. The programme also finds PDF documents on your site and indicates how accessible they are. This saves you a lot of searching and allows you to check whether the documents posted on your website are accessible.

You can sign up for a limited version of the programme for free. If you want to add more websites and have more pages scanned, you can get a subscription through me.

There is even a free programme for the Chrome and Edge browsers. This is AC Lite and you can use it without a subscription on any web page you want, even if they are behind a login.

The best of both worlds

The advantage of Accessibility Cloud is that you can automatically monitor your entire website for accessibility. Where possible, you can also make immediate improvements yourself based on the accessibility issues found.

However, any automatic testing programme has some limitations. For instance, they cannot find all accessibility problems and sometimes miss context. For example, if an image of a house has a text alternative that says it is a car, an automatic programme will not reject it. Also, an automatic programme may reject something that is not a problem in practice. For example, if there is an accessible alternative.

Because of these limitations, the result of an automatic test is not enough to substantiate an accessibility statement. That requires a manual audit and that is where I come in. A manual audit does allow all accessibility problems to be found and context and possible alternatives are taken into account.

A manual audit also has some limitations. For instance, it is always a snapshot and basically a sample of 15 to 20 pages is taken to examine.

Added value for you

This partnership represents strong added value for you as a customer. It offers you:

  • Continuous monitoring of your website(s) and documents. Your website is automatically checked every week (or more often if you wish) and you see the results in the dashboard or via an e-mail notification.
  • Possibility to identify and solve accessibility problems yourself. You will find solution suggestions in the dashboard. If you can’t work it out, you can ask for my help.
  • Help from an accessibility expert on demand. You can request help and explanations for accessibility problems through the Accessibility Cloud dashboard or through me personally.
  • The option to have an accessibility statement generated. For Scandinavian countries and the UK, it is possible to create a full accessibility statement that is compliant.
  • Efficient way of solving problems. You can easily export the results of an automatic or a manual test to programmes such as Jira or as an Excel file. This allows you to work on a solution per problem and in an agile way.

Would you like to know more about Accessibility Cloud and my services for your organisation? Then contact me without any obligations. I’d love to think along with you!

Featured image by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash.