A digitally accessible website can be used by anyone, including people with disabilities. Digital accessibility allows you to reach more people and makes your website more findable in search engines (SEO). In addition, accessibility is a legal requirement for many organisations.
Benefits of digital accessibility
Because an accessible website does not exclude people, everyone can use your website to its full potential. So also, for example, someone who is blind or has a physical disability and cannot operate a mouse. They won’t have to ask other people for help and will be less inclined to switch to a competitor. This also shows your social commitment.
By making your website accessible, search engines can also index it better. In doing so, you are also automatically doing search engine optimisation (SEO).
With an accessible website, you also comply with legislation. Government organisations and semi-governments are legally obliged to offer accessible websites and mobile apps and publish an accessibility statement about them. In the Netherlands, this is regulated by the “Wet digitale overheid” and in Sweden, this is regulated by “Lagen om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service (DOS-lagen)“.
From 28 June 2025, a legal obligation also applies to a number of consumer products and services, such as online shops, banks, transport services and e-books. This is regulated in the European Accessibility Act (EAA), which in the Netherlands has been transposed into the “Implementatiewet toegankelijkheidsvoorschriften producten en diensten“. In Sweden, it has been transposed into “Lagen om vissa produkters och tjänsters tillgänglighet (LPTT)“.
How I can help you
Have you received a complaint from a user, a request from Digitoegankelijk (Dutch) or an e-mail from DIGG (Swedish) about the accessibility of your website, or do you want to comply with accessibility requirements out of your own motivation?
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is an international standard that measures the extent to which a website or other online content is accessible to people with disabilities. This standard can be tricky to understand and I can help you with that. For example, in the following ways.
Quick scan
Semi automated scan based on WCAG 2.2 level A and AA.
Complete and manual audit based on WCAG and EN 301 549.
Advice and support by way of freelance or interim consultancy.
Accessible PDF
Remediation of PDF documents according to WCAG and PDF/UA.
Validation of solutions for previously found accessibility problems.
Your coach, mentor or sparring partner for accessibility.
What you can do right now
Contact me to find out how I can help you with your digital accessibility journey.
Read my latest posts about digital accessibility.