Accessibility re-audit

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With an accessibility re-audit, you can be sure you have made the right solution to accessibility problems.

What is an accessibility re-audit?

An accessibility re-audit is a second audit that can only be done within 3 months of a first audit. In this re-audit, I basically examine the same pages or screens and processes and see if the problems previously found have been resolved and if no new problems have arisen. You can compare a re-audit to a regression test, but purely focused on improvements in the accessibility of a website.

After a re-audit, you will receive a new report from me with the latest results. If accessibility problems have been properly resolved, they will also appear as sufficient in the report.

If pages or screens from the first audit are no longer available, I will look for similar content. In this way, the sample remains representative of the study and you can continue to use the report to support the accessibility statement.

Note: in some cases, I cannot re-audit. For example, if the website, web app or document has changed to such an extent that the sample is no longer representative. If this is the case, I will discuss this with you in advance.

What does a re-audit accessibility cost?

In a re-audit, I use the results of the first accessibility audit and this takes less time. Therefore, I can offer this at an inexpensive rate. However, like the first audit, it does depend on the size and complexity of the website, web app or document. Therefore, keep in mind a price between 400 and 750 euros excluding VAT.

Note: The prices mentioned may change and therefore you cannot derive any rights from them. The prices I mention in the quote are the correct prices.

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    Under the name alverdae, I enable organisations to make a positive impact for both people and planet. More about alverdae